Wednesday, January 21, 2009


 M. de Charpentier,

 Prefect Naturelle,

 Sectione Quattro

 Control Plus, Diatribe.


You must be brought to the realization that it is difficult, if not impossible, to access the vaults at this time due to the unfortunate sickness that ravages all of Europe and indeed, is centered in this very quartier that I am now, by candlelight and in a miserable cold garret, writing you the desperate plea for your kind assistance which I hope you will favor with your largess.

You must also understand that due to this plague my esteemed colleagues at the academy are unable to relieve themselves without a catheter and pump and that this unpleasantness will continue until we can access the vault for the nozzles and tubes, which, upon insertion, will enable them to cleanse themselves according to the manual and with strict adherence to all  directives from the superior one who at all times watches over us and guides us along the path upon which we owe our success.

The ultimate goal, as well you know, is to obtain tongue measurements in order to calculate depth of thrust when engaged, and therefore, without the pendant gauges and the pressure calipers, (also locked in the vaults), we simply cannot calculate engagement penetration nor adjust for wetness or turbidity.

This problem, monsieur, presents itself at a most embarrassing time and in a most embarrassing way as my colleagues members are beginning to atrophy at an alarming rate and, suffice it to say, they will not be available for experiment on the first of the month as promised and, nonetheless, the attendant plague is expected to reduce their numbers considerably and this will of course increase the demands on the system.

I have taken the liberty of encapsulating the excess fluids so that my colleagues are better able to open the orifice drains and flood the tissues with temporary granular solutions until the vaults are open and the required materials accessed.

The sickness is presenting far more problems than the governorship anticipated and I eagerly await your correspondence on these matters as we do need to gain entry to the vaults before the flood tides next week.

Thank you, monsieur, for your immediate attentions to this matter and wishing you good health and pure discharges, I remain,

D. Emile

Magistrate, Sectione Quattro 

Third volume.

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