Thursday, January 22, 2009

No 5. All hail the Prefecture.


Fellow travelers. It is not without great difficulty that I find myself before you once again. The correspondence   you have just been reading is only a small portion of the Control Plus issues we have had to confront in the past. Thus is our history and future made!
We are, after all, living in a Mobius universe that subjects us to eternal loops and changes in the subjects.

I was last in the Prefect some time ago when there were nearly ten thousand female subjects strapped on their gurneys in seemingly endless rows that started with the youngest recruits and disappeared in the distance with the older heavy breeders and incubators on the far horizon. The air in the vaults was sweet with their fragrances, from exotic tropicals to heavy earthy exudations from their mons. The whir rings were kept busy and the hoverers skipped lightly down the rows, their soft muzzles nibbling and sucking to keep the breasts from being too engorged. In the dim light you could see the quick flashes of static electricity around the nipples and the subjects bodies twitch in that small frisson of pleasure from the light wand  brushes passing overhead as they washed and rinsed the pudendas before the air  dusting and picking.

I noticed the spore growth had increased in the pubis and Commander Tube indicated that it was to be a record harvest if tongue damage from the sickness did not effect the harvest. It was heartening to see the pearlescent drops that had formed on the downy rows of mons with their vulvar slits fragrant exhalations creating a mist that hovered over their bodies. Small fruit bubbles had begun to form among the thicker hairs and drops of amrita crept among the foliage. The vaults were redolent with the smells  of the past great harvests before the plague and sickness took ahold and the future and past became grim. 
I have little else to say now and must retreat to the vapor to reclaim myself before wand washing and my nightly pumping begins in the pneumatic chamber.

I probably will be posting more directives and historical notes after my milking  and rubbing tomorrow if all goes well in the lubrication chamber and the gonad scrub barriers remain soft.

Thanks for your patience!

A. de Sauvage

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